Today was when it all went down. I went to Alamo Aquatics and basically bought one of everything (that was $5 or less). It gave me a really good variety, and was a lot of stuff to put it. I understand it's important to start out with lots of plants from the get-go to give potential algae little chance to use the nutrients. They also convinced me to buy all this supplement stuff to help the plants out. On the one hand, they might be trying to help me help the plants, but on the other hand, it's there job to sell me stuff. We'll see...
After removing the lead weights and securing most of the plants in the substrate, I went to Petsmart to get some black neon tetras (Alamo Aquatics didn't have any). I started out with five because I wasn't quite sure of the water quality, and I didn't want to sink a bunch of money in fish that would surely die. They seemed to do okay though, but I could not see them eat any of the food I dropped in. I think I'll be adding those corys sooner than originally planned...
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