We March Forward
It's Sunday, so that must mean it's time to change water. I had read an article on Aquamaniacs that questioned the need to change water much, if at all in a well-planted tank. However, after measuring the nitrates to be quite high in both tanks, I decided that both would get a water change (and the small tank probably needs another one soon, since there's no where for them to go). I'm hoping the nitrates I measured in the big tank are at least partly due to fertilizers I added. In the small tank, it was apparent that all the particulate I sucked up with the gravel vacuum was at fault. I really need to find a nice balance that will not leave all this uneaten food on the ground.
Also. while scouring the Aquamaniacs forum, I believe I've identified the unknown, meshy little guy that tagged along with another plant and is growing quite well. It is called riccia, and it indeed, does not grow roots. Some people weave it in a mesh and lay it down for ground cover. It looks good when they do it, but heaven knows I don't have nearly enough to do that (plus I've got plenty of other plants that would like to be ground cover).

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