Cleaning House
Tank update after glass cleaning:

Since my blue/black algae eating shrimp have gradually turned pink over that last few weeks, I thought it worth investigating what they actually were (and if that was a healthy color change). With the help of this website, I have come to the conclusion that they are cherry shrimp that were too stressed or young or something to show their color.
They seem to still be doing their job, though, and while they are not the spectacular red that I have seen in some pictures, they are very attractive for invertabrates, nonetheless.
With all the planted tank forum threads I've been surfing, I've frequently come across an acronym I was unfamiliar with - HC. People used it in reference to some kind of ground cover plant, quite favorably I might add. I inadvertently discovered during an unrelated search that HC in fact stands for "hemianthus callitrichoides". Good to know
Since my blue/black algae eating shrimp have gradually turned pink over that last few weeks, I thought it worth investigating what they actually were (and if that was a healthy color change). With the help of this website, I have come to the conclusion that they are cherry shrimp that were too stressed or young or something to show their color.
With all the planted tank forum threads I've been surfing, I've frequently come across an acronym I was unfamiliar with - HC. People used it in reference to some kind of ground cover plant, quite favorably I might add. I inadvertently discovered during an unrelated search that HC in fact stands for "hemianthus callitrichoides". Good to know
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