School is in Session
Upon arriving home with the bag, I discovered that one of the rasboras had a large patch of red scales on his right side. Aside from upsetting me that I didn't not receive a very healthy batch of fish, I decided to view it as an opportunity to bring my swords over. I dug up the front and the right one and shifted the left one a little to the right. It is evident they filled up each freezer bag quite well. I also sandwiched-baggied my sick rasbora and exchanged him without hassle. I confirmed that they had a five-day return policy, because I feared that the one I took back would not be the only casualty.
Sure enough, when I got home, I could only count 11 at a time, and I was getting frustrated at my inability to count. However, I started scanning the perimeter of the tank, and I saw number 12 lying in the temple being picked at by a ghost shrimp. Admittedly, that was even faster than I thought. I really didn't want the rest of my fish to get sick with whatever it was that these rasboras had, but I took another one with some raised scales and dropped him in the 5 gallon tank where there would be fewer collateral damage if it was very contagious.
On the bright side, the tank looks really nice with a little pruning and two less sword. There might even be enough room for the rasboras to school....
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