I'm Fishy

This is more a journal than any vain conceit that someone cares about my pet care habits.
If however you are entertained or informed, more power to you!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

New Tool in the Arsenal

I was excited to see that my TDS EZ meter arrived today. I was pumped to try it out, and the early returns are in:

tap water: 303 ppm tds (consistent with what I research in September)
30 gallon: 543 ppm tds
5 gallon: 551 ppm tds

I'm not sure what level of trust to give these, yet. The specs of percent accuracy aren't terribly flattering, but I notice some consistency between consecutive dips at least (within 10 ppm or so). It kind of surprised the measurements in the tanks are so similar; for whatever reason I suspected that the 30-gallon would have a higher reading, but that was probably silly of me to think. After all, the 30-gallon gets a lot of fertilizers, but the light allows the plants to use a lot of ferts. In the 5-gallon, I add no fertilizers, but growth is slow as a result.


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