Crazy Cats

One cory was kind of bigger than the others which I wasn't thrilled about, but they settled in quite nicely and are very active, indeed when they aren't sleeping.
While I was at the store, I also invested in Fungus Clear by Tank Buddies (MelaFix wasn't doing it for me... or my tank) in an attempt to clear up the cottony growths in my 5-gallon tank. A couple of the black-skirt tetras have it on the tips of their fins, and more disturbingly, the newer cory has had half of the flesh of one of its pectoral fins eaten away. So I disolved half a tablet in the tank and took out the carbon filter to keep the medicine circulating. It turned the tank an exotic shade of turquoise, but hopefully it's healing everybody. I'm going to give another dose in a few days.
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