Removal for Some Algae, Thriving for Others

Additional problems include a nice algae film covering the bottom of the tank and choking out the hairgrass. It's even growing on the rotala indica when it's closed up for the night and preventing it from reopening in the morning. I believe it's blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) and one article indicated it was caused by excessive nutrients and waste. Sure enough, when I checked nitrates, they were off the charts!

The neons I had been keeing in the 5 gallon have never really thrived, and recently when I checked on them, I noticed their numbers had dwindled to three (from six). I decided enough was enough, so I moved the three remaining neons to the bucket (nitrates in there were only 20 ppm). Hopefully they will feel a little safer there, and the bio-load in the 5-gallon will be reduced.