Say Cheese!
Also encouraging was the fact that he was current feeding; apparently, that is a better sign of health than if he were picking about on the bottom. My only surprise is that he was out in the bright lights; I had thought he would be a nocturnal feeder. I hope that means he's not too hungry.
Looking at the new growth of my new sword plant, it appears that the new growth is not exclusively red. In fact, the first leaf to deploy has turned almost immediately green, while the newest leaf is still coming up a ruddish brown. I can only assume this is how the plant will continue to grow.
Speaking of plants, the rotala indica is really going strong now, with very red shoots all along the water's surface. However, my bushy rotala whatever is sending up new leaves that are quite distorted. The temple is not having as much trouble with new growth. It seems at times that the best conditions for one species necessarily make life difficult for another. I'm not sure I'll be able to get all of them to flourish with same water parameters. I can hope, but I have yet to see everything flourish or flounder at the same time.