I'm Fishy

This is more a journal than any vain conceit that someone cares about my pet care habits.
If however you are entertained or informed, more power to you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fond Farewell

I lost one of the quarantined cories today. Sadly the larger, sicker one passed on to the great blue yonder. I can't say I'm terribly surprised, but I am very disappointed. I do manage to hasten death when I try to heal my fish. I'd like to think that the medication actually helps, though.

So while I am sad, I will also choose to be hopeful for the remaining QT'd cory. The downside is that there are still less-than-thriving cories still in the 30-gallon. I can only hope I figure out how to fix them before an infection takes hold.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

QB = Quarantine Bowl

Well, my cories have been looking progressively worse for some time now, but one of the larger ones took the cake today. The after part of his body was looking red, and his scales/skin appeared quite unhealthy. My quarantine bowl is likely not fully cycled, but the rasboras are doing well enough, so I'll try to manage the strain on the bio-load by doing minor water changes and adding Prime daily. Again, it's not ideal treatment, but I'm just as worried about other cories getting infected as I am about the sick cories' survival.

As long as I was medicating a tank, I added a sad looking cory that was missing whiskers and pectoral fins, as well as a good-sized chunk of his tail, but didn't appear to have any disease yet. It breaks my heart that they are not doing well in the tank, but I'm really at a loss, considering none of the other species are ailing.