I'm Fishy

This is more a journal than any vain conceit that someone cares about my pet care habits.
If however you are entertained or informed, more power to you!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

5-Gallon Hospital Tank

I wasn't at all happy with the recovery, or lack thereof, of the troubled cory with eroding fins. I decided it was time to medicate, but I didn't want to send him back into the lion's den of the 10-gallon with the zodiac loach. Instead, I dumped him as well as some extra hornwort into the 5-gallon, and medicated it with the standard dose of Fungus Clear. Between the medication, and the mulm I freed up by taking out the filter media, the water became quite cloudy. Hopefully after a couple doses, he'll have regenerated a good portion of his fins.

In addition to moving the cory, I cut out the foxtail and camboba that seems to keep growing at a ridiculous pace. I also had to cut out a couple red lotus leaves that were shading some lower growth. While I was taking out hornwort and rearranging bacopa, I actually found a string of glosso that I put in the substrate next to the other strand that has been establishing itself now that it is getting some light. Additionally, I took out some renekii to take to Alamo Aquatics; they are always impressed with how red the leaves are. I had to throw a large, shady water sprite in the bag.


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